The Tree City Grand Marshall – Celebrating Professionalism
The City of Evanston has a Fourth of July parade every year and in 2015, the theme was “Tree City – Green City”. That year Evanston’s Fourth of July Association had decided that Paul D’ Agostino should be named as “Grand Marshall”.
How can a person fall so deeply in love with trees?
Debbie Jones’ parents were a great influence on her love for trees. As a child, her parents took her to Rocky Mountain National Park and other areas where they would go on hikes among the trees and learn about nature from talks given by forest rangers.
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Little did the village know that by hiring an Urban Forester, Homewood would recognize reduction of costs related to EAB.

Partnerships help TRANSFORM - OpenLands
Over the years, Hazel Crest has diversified their urban forest and transformed the Open Lands from a buckthorn brush jungle into a woodland park.

Furniture From Your URBAN TREES–No urban wood left behind
It was the “Ah!” moment for Bruce back in 1978 when he saw all the wood chips and logs being dumped in to the Willowhill Landfills (now Willowhill Golf Course). He felt so bad to see all the good wood of trees being dumped, chipped or mulched.

Reforesting HOPE after STORM
On November 6, 2014, nearly a year after a devastating EF4 tornado struck Washington, IL, a collaborative group consisting of Trees Forever, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Urban & Community Forestry, City of Washington, Tornado Recovery Committee, and interested citizens, held a tree planting for residents.
TREEKEEPER – An Inspiration to Others.
A lot of the time Sheila spends outdoors is for doing volunteer work to help the natural environment. Things like monitoring different plants and animals, collecting seed for habitat restoration, oak savannah restoration and working on prescribed burns.

Chris Mest Loves Trees so much that he Kisses them
“When some people find out I am an arborist and hear the passion when I talk about trees, they call me a ‘tree hugger’ as if there is something wrong with it. I decided to tell them I had moved beyond tree hugging and that I was a ‘tree kisser’. To back this up I have kissed at least 80 trees.
Hiring a Professional Forester -
Saves Village Money